The 57 Best Marketing Podcasts to Boost Your Conversions

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57 Best Marketing Podcasts to Boost Your Conversions

Do you want an easy way to learn more about marketing so you can promote your services effectively and win more business? One of the easiest ways to get a complete marketing education is to get advice from the pros.

Believe it or not, many experts dish out this advice for free via their podcasts. It’s the best education money can’t buy. To help you get started, we’ve compiled a list of the best digital marketing podcasts around.

Our list of free marketing podcasts includes some that aren’t being updated anymore, but since some of the advice is timeless, they’re still worth listening to.

They’re divided into topics, and we’ve even suggested a great episode for each so you can check them out for yourself. Whether you’re looking for blog post ideas or lead magnet tips, you’ll find them here, and much more, too.

Add a few of these marketing podcasts to your podcast app and you’ll be able to learn on the go, boost conversions and build your business.

Table of Contents

Business/Growth Podcasts

business growth podcasts
1. Growth Byte

The Growth Byte podcast summarizes online content relating to startup growth. That’s a pretty wide topic, so the short episodes have covered subjects like email marketing, customer psychology, and conversions. Check out this episode: Who’s Your Ideal Customer? Even though this podcast is no longer active, many of the tips are still relevant.

  • Host: Growth Hacker TV
  • Topics: Startup growth
  • Frequency: Last updated in 2014
  • Listen On: iTunes

2. Growth Everywhere

The Growth Everywhere podcast offers business lessons from entrepreneurs, who share digital marketing strategies and tactics that have helped them to grow. Among the podcast’s top content is this gem: Why Neil Patel Pays $30,000 for Content and Gives it Away for Free.

  • Host: Eric Siu
  • Topics: Startup growth, internet marketing
  • Frequency: Weekly, though recent episodes have appeared daily
  • Listen On: iTunesStitcherGoogle Play

3. Growth Show

Hubspot’s Growth Show podcast looks at the strategies businesses have used to achieve remarkable growth. Check out Facebook’s Julie Zhou on How to Design For 2 Billion Users.

4. HBR IdeaCast

HBR IdeaCast is a weekly podcast from the Harvard Business Review. Guests include thought leaders in business and management, and subjects covered are wide-ranging. Recent episodes have looked at diversity, inequality, teamwork, and globalization. Listen to this episode on whether it’s time to ban email.

  • Host: Harvard Business Review
  • Topics: Business and management
  • Frequency: Weekly
  • Listen On: iTunesStitcher

5. The Startup Chat with Steli & Hiten

In the Startup Chat, serial entrepreneurs Steli Efti and Hiten Shah tackle all aspects of building a startup, and that includes marketing. One example is a Website Tear Down episode dissecting websites to see how they could improve conversions.

  • Hosts: Steli Efti, Hiten Shah
  • Topics: Startups, business, marketing
  • Frequency: Twice a week
  • Listen On: iTunesStitcher

6. UX and Growth

Austin Knight leads this podcast covering user experience, design, conversions, and leadership. Each episode of the UX and Growth podcast has a different co-host, enabling listeners to benefit from multiple perspectives on these issues. Check out this episode on retaining and re-engaging users.

  • Host: Austin Knight
  • Topics: Design, conversions, leadership
  • Frequency: Irregular
  • Listen On: iTunes

Content Marketing Podcasts

content marketing podcasts
7. Actionable Marketing Podcast

CoSchedule’s Actionable Marketing Podcast gives you marketing and content marketing advice you can use, from people who know what they’re talking about. One example is an episode where Grammarly’s Celeste Mora explains how to grow a social media following. Each episode has a full recap on the CoSchedule blog.

8. Brand Newsroom

The hosts of this podcast, produced by Lush Digital in Perth, cover every aspect of communications. It features opinions and tips from media professionals, journalists, and expert content marketers. Here’s one example of what you can expect: How to tweet like Donald Trump (and what to do instead).

  • Hosts: James Lush, Nic Hayes, and Sarah Mitchell
  • Topics: Content marketing, brand journalism
  • Frequency: Weekly
  • Listen On: iTunesSoundcloud

9. Confessions of a Pink-Haired Marketer

Confessions of a Pink-Haired Marketer promises to go beyond the mainstream to answer content marketing questions, with a rant from time to time. This episode on launching your first digital product has good advice.

  • Host: Sonia Simone
  • Topics: Content marketing
  • Frequency: Weekly; last published in July 2016
  • Listen On: iTunesStitcher

10. Content Convergence

The Content Convergence podcast covers the converging worlds of marketing, technology, media, and entertainment, talking to experts in cutting through the noise to get attention. In the last episode, Rebecca Lieb shares some content marketing research.

  • Host: Steve Rubel
  • Topics: Content marketing
  • Frequency: Weekly; last published in May 2016
  • Listen On: iTunesRSS

11. Content Inc

Content Inc aims to keep its content marketing advice short and actionable, and ultra-relevant, like this episode titled Fake News Creates Opportunity for Print.

  • Host: Joe Pulizzi
  • Topics: Content marketing
  • Frequency: Weekly
  • Listen On: iTunesStitcher

12. Content Warfare Podcast

The Content Warfare Podcast reveals the secrets of getting attention online. As well as content marketing, there’s information on growing your audience and on podcasting. Check out the free version of the Content Warfare audiobook.

  • Host: Ryan Hanley
  • Topics: Content marketing, writing, social media and more
  • Frequency: Irregular; last published in March 2016
  • Listen On: iTunesStitcher

13. Copyblogger FM
copybloggerfm marketing podcast
Copyblogger FM covers an eclectic mix of topics, ranging from developments in content marketing to search engine optimization (SEO) to WordPress. Whether you’re interested in learning more about writing, tackling blog comments or exploring the relationship between clients and freelancers, you’ll find something of value here. All episodes have full transcripts. Check out this one On Grammar, Usage, and Not Being a Great Big Jerk.

  • Host: Sonia Simone
  • Topics: Content marketing, copywriting and more
  • Frequency: Weekly
  • Listen On: iTunes

14. Get Found!

The Get Found! Podcast covers a range of marketing topics, including content marketing, SEO, social media, marketing roles and much more. The podcast is an audio version of the video series available on the GinzaMetrics website. These are helpfully arranged by topics. For example, this episode on How Viral Content Impacts Search and Social Media is in the “better content creation” category. Blog recaps are available for some episodes.

  • Host: GinzaMetrics
  • Topics: Content marketing, account-based marketing
  • Frequency: Irregular; usually a couple of times a month
  • Listen On: iTunes

15. PNR with This Old Marketing

This is the flagship podcast by the Content Marketing Institute. It tackles content marketing news, rants or raves about content issues and analyzes marketing examples. Listen to this episode on the new content business model.

16. ProBlogger Podcast

In the ProBlogger Podcast, Darren Rowse shares his tips for creating successful blogs, including content creation, building engagement and making money. Listen to the episode where he discusses the pros and cons of building two successful blogs.

  • Host: Darren Rowse
  • Topics: Blogging
  • Frequency: Weekly
  • Listen On: iTunesStitcher

Conversion Optimization Podcasts

cro marketing podcasts
17. Call to Action

Unbounce says the Call to Action podcast breaks down the art and science of amazing marketing, from strategy to execution, measurement, and optimization. Guests include people from all stages of the marketing funnel, and several episodes present fascinating case studies, such as What Happened When Unbounce Stopped Publishing for Two Weeks.

  • Host: Unbounce
  • Topics: Digital marketing, landing page optimization, conversion rate optimization and more!
  • Frequency: Weekly
  • Listen On: iTunes

18. ConversionCast

The Leadpages team host this podcast which shares the company’s strategies and secrets for acquiring, converting and retaining customers. The best place to start is with the introduction to the 2017 season.

  • Host: Leadpages
  • Topics: Digital marketing
  • Frequency: Weekly until the end of 2016. Leadpages released 13 episodes in January 2017.
  • Listen On: iTunesStitcher

19. Conversion Scientist Podcast

Brian Massey of Conversion Sciences tackles tools and strategies for conversion optimization. Even though it’s no longer updated, some of the advice is timeless, like this episode on The Cognitive Biases that Infest Your Website Redesign.

  • Host: Brian Massey
  • Topics: Analytics, social media marketing, content marketing and more.
  • Frequency: Irregular; last published in December 2015
  • Listen On: iTunesRSSAndroid

20. Crazy Egg Podcast

The Crazy Egg Podcast consists of audio versions of some of the best posts from its Daily Egg blog. Because of this, the topics covered vary widely. Even though the podcast is no longer updated, some of the episodes are still relevant, like this one on content engagement.

  • Host: CrazyEgg
  • Topics: Conversion optimization, analytics, social media and more.
  • Frequency: Irregular; last published in October 2015
  • Listen On: iTunesStitcher

21. Marketing Optimization w/AlexDesigns

The advice in the Marketing Optimization podcast will help you improve leads and sales by tweaking your website and processes. Although there haven’t been new episodes in quite a while, some of the advice stands the test of time. Check out this one on social proof.

  • Host: Alex Harris
  • Topics: Conversion optimization
  • Frequency: Irregular; last updated December 2015
  • Listen On: iTunesStitcher

22. MarketingExperiments Web Clinic Podcasts

MarketingExperiments says it was the first online lab to test marketing and sales optimization. While most recent experiments have been released in video form, the podcast archive makes interesting listening, including this episode on personalized messaging.

  • Host: MarketingExperiments
  • Topics: Online marketing, optimization
  • Frequency: Monthly; last published August 2015
  • Listen On: iTunes

Inbound Marketing Podcasts

inbound marketing podcasts
23. Hubcast

The Hubcast is a podcast by Hubspot users for Hubspot users. That means it covers Hubspot tools and tips, but also inbound marketing, content marketing, and sales. Check out the last episode of 2016, with 2017 predictions for live video, marketing, and social media.

  • Hosts: George Thomas, Marcus Sheridan
  • Topics: Hubspot, inbound marketing
  • Frequency: Weekly
  • Listen On: iTunesStitcher

24. Inbound Agency Journey

Inbound Agency Journey is the podcast to listen to if you’re building an inbound agency. The hosts promise this podcast will help you build “the agency of your dreams”. Listen to this episode on creating a client journey.

  • Hosts: Andrew Dymski and Gray MacKenzie
  • Topics: Agency inbound marketing
  • Frequency: Weekly
  • Listen On: iTunesStitcher

SEO/Search Marketing Podcasts

search marketing podcasts
25. Agents of Change

The Agents of Change podcast aims to help small businesses improve online visibility by getting insider tips from expert marketers. For example, in The Formula of Persuasive Landing Pages, the guest is Joanna Wiebe of Copy Hackers.

  • Host: Rich Brooks
  • Topics: SEO, social media, mobile marketing
  • Frequency: The Agents of Change Podcast is published most weeks.
  • Listen On: iTunesStitcher

26. Search Engine Nerds

Search Engine Nerds is the next evolution of the Marketing Nerds podcast. It’s been rebranded and refocused to concentrate on search, so topics include SEO, PPC, analytics, local search, mobile search and more. Check out the announcement post for the best of the old Marketing Nerds podcast.

  • Host: Search Engine Journal
  • Topics: Search
  • Frequency: Every two weeks
  • Listen On: iTunesStitcherAndroid

27. Search Talk Live

The Search Talk Live podcast covers all things relating to SEO and search engine marketing (SEM), with expert guests adding their tips. Check out this recent episode on in-house SEO.

  • Host: Robert O’Haver, Caleb McElveen
  • Topics: Search engine optimization, search engine marketing
  • Frequency: Weekly, with occasional gaps
  • Listen On: iTunesSpreaker

28. SEO 101

SEO 101 aims to provide SEO information for beginners, cutting down on the tech speak so listeners can understand the topic. A useful introduction is this episode featuring SEO tips from Googlers.

  • Hosts: Ross Dunn, John Carcutt
  • Topics: SEO
  • Frequency: Irregular; at least 2 episodes per month
  • Listen On: iTunesSoundcloud

29. Sophisticated Marketer’s Podcast

This LinkedIn podcast brings insights from experienced marketers on content marketing, SEO, brand journalism and much more, keeping up with the latest trends. For example, this episode of the Sophisticated Marketer’s Podcast deals with voice search, among other topics.

  • Host: Jason Miller
  • Topics: Marketing
  • Frequency: Every two weeks
  • Listen On: iTunesStitcher

30. Unknown Secrets of Internet Marketing

This podcast from eWebResults has been running since 2010. In that time, it’s covered most aspects of internet marketing, focusing on tips to help you market better. While SEO is the focus, Unknown Secrets of Internet Marketing also looks at search marketing, pay per click and other marketing topics. Check out this episode on email marketing mistakes to get you started.

  • Hosts: Chris Burres, Charles Lewis
  • Topics: SEO
  • Frequency: Weekly
  • Listen On: iTunesStitcher

Social Media Marketing Podcasts

social media marketing podcasts
31. Six Pixels of Separation

The Six Pixels of Separation podcast gives the agency perspective on digital marketing and social media news and trends. The show’s guests have achieved amazing things online, as this episode with the Sales Lion Marcus Sheridan shows.

  • Host: Mitch Joel
  • Topics: Digital marketing, social media
  • Frequency: Weekly
  • Listen On: iTunes

32. Social Business Engine

The Social Business Engine podcast covers enterprise social media, featuring brands that are using social media for marketing, sales, customer service and more. Each episode has detailed show notes. A good example is this episode on how FedEx is using brand journalism.

  • Host: Bernie Borges
  • Topics: Social media, brand marketing
  • Frequency: Irregular; several times per month
  • Listen On: iTunesStitcher

33. Social Media Marketing Podcast

You can learn strategies and tips from pro marketers in the Social Media Marketing Podcast. The podcast shares success stories and interviews and keeps you up to date with the latest trends, as this episode on live video shows.

  • Host: Michael Stelzner
  • Topics: Social media, marketing
  • Frequency: Weekly
  • Listen On: iTunesStitcher

Recommended Resource Do social media shares count the same as backlinks? Google says no, but are they telling the whole story? Find out the truth in our guide to Social Media and SEO: Do Social Shares Really Matter for Ranking?

34. Social Pros Podcast

A top-rated show from Convince & Convert, the Social Pros Podcast focuses on “real people doing real work”. In other words, it hosts social media professionals so you can learn how they achieve success for some of the world’s best-known companies. The Joys and Genius of Selling Beer with Social Media, which is about Coors, is one example.

  • Hosts: Jay Baer, Adam Brown
  • Topics: Social media, marketing
  • Frequency: Weekly
  • Listen On: iTunesStitcher

Other Digital Marketing Podcasts

digital marketing podcasts
35. Art of Paid Traffic

The Art of Paid Traffic podcast covers strategies and tips for improving lead generation and boosting sales. The podcast keeps up with the latest advertising technology, with a recent episode covering a case study and tips on Facebook Messenger Ads.

  • Host: Rick Mulready
  • Topics: Online marketing and advertising
  • Frequency: Weekly
  • Listen On: iTunesStitcher

36. #AskGaryVee Show

The #AskGaryVee podcast is an audio version of the YouTube show with the same name. It covers an eclectic mix of marketing topics and also answers listeners’ questions. It’s hard to pick out just one, but this recent “best of” compilation will give a flavor.

  • Host: Gary Vaynerchuk
  • Topics: Marketing, social media, apps
  • Frequency: Daily, sometimes more.
  • Listen On: iTunesStitcher

37. BeanCast Marketing Podcast

The BeanCast Marketing Podcast is a round table featuring several guests discussing the latest industry news. We love the title of this recent episode covering Snap, mobile payments and the role of data: We Still Need James Bond.

  • Host: Bob Knorpp
  • Topics: Marketing, advertising, public relations
  • Frequency: Weekly
  • Listen On: iTunesStitcher

38. Boagworld UX Show

The Boagworld UX Show covers a wide range of topics, including marketing, strategy, user experience, and design, and includes interviews with influential web design professionals. The show is now in its 17th season, with an interesting recent episode covering chatbots and usability testing: The Chatbot Conversation.

  • Host: Paul Boag
  • Topics: User experience, digital strategy, marketing
  • Frequency: Weekly
  • Listen On: iTunesRSS

39. Brainfluence Podcast

The Brainfluence Podcast provides concrete advice on using neuromarketing to increase persuasion. The show notes are incredibly detailed and there are full episode transcripts on the site. Guests include experts like Robert Cialdini, who features in an episode on “Pre-Suasion”.

  • Host: Roger Dooley
  • Topics: Neuromarketing, persuasion, marketing
  • Frequency: Weekly
  • Listen On: iTunesStitcher

40. Digital Analytics Power Hour

In the Digital Analytics Power Hour, the hosts and their guests share their experiences of working with analytics and data. A good starting point for listening to this podcast is the 2016 year in review episode.

  • Hosts: Michael Helbling and Tim Wilson
  • Topics: Analytics
  • Frequency: Twice a month; sometimes more
  • Listen On: iTunesStitcherGoogle Play

41. Digital Marketing Podcast
digital marketing podcast
Produced by Target Internet, the Digital Marketing Podcast provides an entertaining and informative look at the latest marketing tools and strategies. A good example is an episode exploring the new tools in Google Search Console.

  • Hosts: Daniel Rowles, Ciaran Rogers
  • Topics: Digital marketing
  • Frequency: Every two weeks
  • Listen On: iTunes

42. Duct Tape Marketing

The Duct Tape Marketing podcast features interviews with business marketing experts. Podcast topics are varied, including episodes covering negotiation, storytelling, profitability and much more. Check out this episode on How to Produce Content with a Limited Budget. Episode transcripts are available.

43. eCommerce Marketing Podcast

The eCommerce Marketing Podcast covers all aspects of eCommerce marketing, including inbound marketing, conversions, and paid advertising. A useful recent episode is How to Market Your eCommerce Store Using YouTube and Amazon. Episode transcripts are available.

  • Host: Robert Kilonzo
  • Topics: Marketing
  • Frequency: Irregular; usually a couple of times a month
  • Listen On: iTunes

44. Internet Marketing

SiteVisibility’s Internet Marketing podcast provides tips, tools, and strategies for digital marketing and search marketing. Originating in the UK, this podcast says it has half a million listeners. Check out this episode where Steve Rayson talks about blogging frequency.

  • Host: SiteVisibility
  • Topics: Internet marketing
  • Frequency: Weekly
  • Listen On: iTunes

45. Louder Than Words

The Louder Than Words podcast aims to deliver inspiration for writers, designers, entrepreneurs, and creators. Guests include the leaders and founders of some of the best-known companies, such as Hubspot, Basecamp and more. Listen to this episode on how Jason Zook made $1 million wearing T-shirts.

  • Host: John Bonini
  • Topics: Marketing, creativity
  • Frequency: Irregular; last published August 2016
  • Listen On: iTunesSoundcloud

46. Mad Marketing

The Mad Marketing podcast aims to give real answers to real questions about marketing. A trawl through the archives reveals episodes on content marketing, video marketing tips, SEO, pivoting in business and a whole lot more. We liked the sound of Why “Marketing Speak” May be Killing Your Business.

  • Host: Marcus Sheridan
  • Topics: Marketing
  • Frequency: Irregular; last published December 2016
  • Listen On: iTunesStitcher

47. Marketing Companion Podcast
marketing companion podcast
The Marketing Companion Podcast says it’s the most entertaining marketing podcast around, and listeners certainly seem to agree. This episode on A strategy to stay relevant in a tumultuous marketing world is timely.

  • Hosts: Mark Schaefer, Tom Webster
  • Topics: Digital marketing, digital business
  • Frequency: Every two weeks
  • Listen On: iTunesStitcherAndroid

48. Marketing Over Coffee

In the Marketing over Coffee podcasts, the hosts visit different coffee shops and share marketing tips and tricks in the show. Topics covered include social media, SEO, testing and much, much more. This interview with Seth Godin is one of the podcast’s most popular episodes.

  • Hosts: John Wall and Christopher Penn
  • Topics: Marketing
  • Frequency: Weekly
  • Listen On: iTunesStitcher

49. Marketing School

Whether you’re just starting out or already have a popular website, Marketing School can provide digital marketing tips to help you grow. Topics include content marketing, SEO and much more. Check out this episode on analyzing your competition.

  • Hosts: Neil Patel, Eric Siu
  • Topics: Digital marketing
  • Frequency: Daily
  • Listen On: iTunesStitcher

50. Marketing Smarts Podcast

The Marketing Smarts Podcast covers all aspects of marketing, with episodes on strategy, metrics, customer relationships, social media and more. A recent episode looks at why people buy with the author of “Brand Seduction”.

  • Host: MarketingProfs
  • Topics: Marketing
  • Frequency: Hard to say, but there are more than 275 to listen to
  • Listen On: iTunes

51. Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield

Online Marketing Made Easy isn’t just about telling listeners about the marketing techniques they need. It’s also about showing them how to implement those techniques. Amy Porterfield calls this “audio inspir-action”. Here’s an interesting episode: Where Should I Spend My Money As I Build My Online Business?.

  • Host: Amy Porterfield
  • Topics: Online marketing, blogging, lead generation
  • Frequency: Weekly
  • Listen On: iTunesStitcher

52. Opt-In!

This marketing and sales podcast was short-lived but still dealt with some interesting sales and marketing topics. These are still relevant, like this one on content marketing mistakes to avoid.

  • Host: Dan Pratt
  • Topics: Marketing, sales
  • Frequency: Irregular; last published July 2016
  • Listen On: iTunes

53. Perpetual Traffic
digital marketer podcast
The Perpetual Traffic podcast is produced by Digital Marketer. It features strategies developed by the Digital Marketer team for acquiring leads and sales, as well as how these strategies worked with real clients. Here’s one good example: a case study on getting Facebook Messenger subscribers. Each episode has a full transcript, which is also available for download.

  • Hosts: Keith Krance, Ralph Burns, Molly Pittman
  • Topics: Paid traffic, lead generation
  • Frequency: Weekly
  • Listen On: iTunesStitcher

54. Ramp

Ramp was a short-lived SaaS analytics podcast by InsightSquared. It examines how people use data to grow their businesses. This episode where Sujan Patel talks growth marketing is worth a listen.

  • Host: Cara Hogan
  • Topics: Analytics
  • Frequency: Irregular; last published July 2016
  • Listen On: iTunesSoundcloud

55. VB Engage

The VB Engage says it’s a “brutally honest” look at marketing and mobile engagement. Guests also talk about topics including social media, marketing technology, customer experience and more. This episode on chatbots gives a good flavor of the podcast.

  • Hosts: Stewart Rogers, Travis Wright
  • Topics: Marketing, technology, mobile
  • Frequency: Weekly
  • Listen On: iTunesStitcher

56. Webcology

If you want to understand how the internet affects web marketing, the Webcology podcast is the one for you. Search, SEO, augmented reality; everything that has an impact on marketing appears here. One example is this episode on growing social networks.

  • Hosts: Jim Hedger, Dave Davies
  • Topics: Marketing
  • Frequency: Weekly
  • Listen On: iTunesStitcher

57. WSJ Media Mix

The WSJ Media Mix podcast looks at media and marketing with in-depth expert interviews on topical issues, like the Pepsi ad controversy.

  • Host: Wall St. Journal
  • Topics: Media, marketing
  • Frequency: Irregular; a few episodes per month
  • Listen On: iTunesStitcher

Not only will these marketing podcasts boost your conversions, but you’ll be much better informed about every aspect of digital marketing best practices. Want to start your own podcast? Check out our roundup of the best WordPress podcasting plugins and get your voice heard!

Subscribe to any, or all, of these free marketing podcasts for a priceless marketing education that’ll help you with email marketing, lead generation, social media promotion, and more.

And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more in-depth guides and resource lists.

Disclosure: Our content is reader-supported. This means if you click on some of our links, then we may earn a commission. We only recommend products that we believe will add value to our readers.

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2 responses to “The 57 Best Marketing Podcasts to Boost Your Conversions”

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